Category: Shavuot Reflections and Inspiration

Shavuot 5784: Tiny Tikkun

Shavuot is often considered a holiday of converts. Our Tiny Tikkun collects some texts on conversion to study with a friend or on your own.
Mysteriousness of the Makom

Mysteriousness of the Makom

The mysteriousness of the makom comes into view when looking at all of the divine places, especially mountains, in our literature.

Ten Torah Resources You Should Know

Here are our top ten Torah resources you should know, including Conservative/Masorti organizations and resources for kids and families!
10 Reasons Shavuot Might Be Your New Favorite Holiday

10 Reasons Shavuot Might Be Your New Favorite Holiday

Rabbi Tova Leibovic-Douglas offers us 10 great reasons why Shavuot might be your new favorite Jewish holiday.

Shavuot: Z’man Matan Torateinu

Ariel Barry discusses Shavuot and receiving the Torah from Sinai. What does it mean to be "MiSinai", from Sinai and how can we relate today?
How to See and Be Seen: Choosing Judaism

How to See and Be Seen: Choosing Judaism

Shavuot is all about choosing Judaism. We choose to see the beauty of the tradition and be seen holding it with full hearts and hands.
Learning about Mental Illness from Ruth

Learning about Mental Illness from Ruth

Risa Sugarman teaches that comparing Ruth's strengths to owning our own positive attributes as primary instead of our mental illness.
image of mount sinai at sunset with the words: Questions of Revelation: A Poem

Questions of Revelation: A Poem

Rabbi Suzanne Brody shares her poem that embraces a variety of midrashim about what happened at Sinai when we received the Torah.
Mountain with fog and the words: Revelation: A Poem

Revelation: A Poem

Yakira Keshet offers a poem to commemorate Shavuot, her journey to Judaism, and the presence of our souls at Mount Sinai.