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The Exploring Judaism Email Newsletter

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Find Conservative/Masorti Jewish Communities

Use the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s (USCJ) tool to find a congregation in North America.

Use Masorti Olami’s Tool to find a congregation in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Find large, well-established synagogues and small, informal prayer and study groups in London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Oxford, Leeds, and Liverpool.

Para nuestra familia que habla español y portugués, el Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano tiene un proyecto fantástico sobre todos las festividades y fechas especiales del calendario Judío. Hay guías, textos y materiales para todos.

Para a nossa família que fala português e espanhol, o Seminário Rabinco Latinoamericano tem um projeto fantástico sobre todas as festas e datas especiais do calendário judaico. Há guias, textos e materiais para todos.


Miller Introduction to Judaism

The Miller Introduction to Judaism Program is an 18-week course designed to provide fundamental knowledge, practical skills, and clarifying insights into Jewish culture.

No matter your age or background, we encourage you to join the program and learn about the Torah and Judaism’s many rituals, values, and holidays. Each cohort will explore the past, present, and future of Judaism with guidance from a rabbi.

Facebook Groups

We’ve curated a few groups you might want to consider!

The Conservative movement was once the embodiment of what it meant to be an “American Jew.” Then the Pew Research Center said otherwise… So you are invited to join the eternal discussion from Catholic Israel to Judaism as a Civilization to The Dynamic Nature of Process Theology. Please be courteous. Questions welcomed. Sincerity is appreciated. Quality memes are OK too.

This group is geared towards USY Alumni/Bogrei Nativ. This forum is to help everyone in our community network through all economic cycles (Especially during Covid). The purpose is to help people earn a living and send message of positivity. This group can be a benefit for everyone no matter what profession or industry. This platform can be used for buying or selling a product or service, looking for a job or looking to hire, offering a Divrei Torah, offer words of encouragement, exchange ideas of how to make ourselves better, create internships for students etc.

Are there others that exist you want us to know about?
Are there affinity groups or niche interest groups that you believe should exist?

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