
Because this website is a work in progress, your advice is essential to shape the content we post.

We welcome you to share two types of feedback.

Specific Feedback

This kind of feedback is helpful if something is broken or missing on the website. Is there an essential subject that isn’t on the site yet? Great, we want to hear about it. Are you having trouble finding a resource or piece of information and know other folks are looking for it too? We want to know about this as well.

General Feedback

This kind of feedback is helpful to know if we’re on the right track for building this website. Do you like the vibe or style, is it generally appealing? Is it easy to navigate? Can you find what you are seeking? Do you have a suggestion of new features or functionality that would help people live, learn, or connect meaningfully? We want to know how we can best meet your needs.

After all, the people behind this site are human beings, just like you.

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