Tag: Community

How To Live A Morally Good Life

How To Live A Morally Good Life

The moral life, with its choices, its responsibilities, its missteps, and its modes of repair, is an integral part of what it means to be ...
Why This is the Year to Celebrate Tu B’Av

Why This is the Year to Celebrate Tu B’Av

Tu B'av reminds that Jewish people join together in tragedy and in love and joy, helping explain why this is the year to celebrate it.
Temple Envy

Temple Envy

This an exploration of my "temple envy" through the emotions of grief, wonder, and desire for Jewish unity during a recent vacation to Nikko.
What Can the "Push/Pull" of Purim Teach Us About Antisemitism

What Can the “Push/Pull” of Purim Teach Us About Antisemitism

What can the "push/pull" of Purim teach us about antisemitism? Esther teaches us a strategy that could help us find new ways to antisemitism.
Why I Love Tefillin

Why I Love Tefillin

Rabbi Lauren Tuchman writes "Why I Love Tefillin" and explores how all people can wear tefillin, based on her own experience.
Doing Teshuvah Outside of Communal Prayers

Doing Teshuvah Outside of Communal Prayers

This teshuvah, written at a time when gathering was not possible, explores doing teshuvah outside of communal prayers.
Tallit on the Bimah: Optional or Required?

Tallit on the Bimah: Optional or Required?

This CJLS teshuva explores where and when a tallit should be worn on the bimah. This also addresses women wearing tallitot.
Remembering Our Loved Ones Before Us

Remembering Our Loved Ones Before Us

When our loved ones die, who remembers those they remembered? Here's a way to remember all of those that came before us.
What Can I Expect at My First Rosh Hashanah Services?

What Can I Expect at My First Rosh Hashanah Services?

The intensity of Rosh Hashanah can be intimidating; read this guide to get to know what to expect at services on our New Year.
When the Holidays Are Hard

When the Holidays Are Hard

Everyone celebrates Rosh Hashanah differently, but sometimes, the holidays are hard. What can we do when this is true?
The Discomfort of Yom Kippur

The Discomfort of Yom Kippur

As we discuss our traditions and requirements on Yom Kippur, we encounter discomforts that allow us to think about the past year.
Ensuring the Wall Stands Firm

Ensuring the Wall Stands Firm

Tishah B'av reminds us to "be active, even proactive," to ensure the walls of our lives stand firm, just as our ancestors did.
The Risks of Playing Jewish Geography

The Risks of Playing Jewish Geography

In the game of Jewish geography, you connect with who you don’t know by connecting through who you do know. But is the game good ...
What does it take to feel Jewish

What does it take to feel Jewish?

Collecting experiences helps us feel like we belong. By doing ‘Jewish,’ we create meaningful Jewish lives where spirituality feels less contrived.
What is Tzedakah?

What is Tzedakah?

Jewish tradition does not see contributions to the community’s welfare as mere charity, but rather as tzedakah, literally “acts of justice.”