Category: Torah

Far From the Tree

Far From the Tree

Tazria takes its name from conception and childbirth. Ilana Kurshan connects this to bearing fruit, both literally and metaphorically.
Parashat Shmini Haftarah: On Shame

On Shame

Connected Parashat Shemini's Haftarah, in Ezekiel, Bex Stern Rosenblatt explores the intersection of shame, guilt, and embarrassment.
Parashat Shmini Study Guide: Why Did They Die?

Study Guide: Why Did They Die?

This week's study guide focuses on Nadav and Avihu, Aaron's sons, bringing "foreign flames" to give an offering to God.
Keeping Our Cool

Keeping Our Cool

When we lash out angrily at others, it is not really we who are speaking, but the evil inclination that takes control of us from ...
Parashat Tzav Haftarah: Unwanted Offerings

Unwanted Offerings

This week's haftarah explores human sacrifice. While the Tanakh seems to be mixed about it, God may command human sacrifice in this haftarah.
Parashat Tzav Study Guide: A Fraught Appointment

Study Guide: A Fraught Appointment

This week's study guide focuses on the consecration of Aaron and his sons and Kohanim and what that means.
The Perpetual Flame

The Perpetual Flame

Parashat Tzav teaches us that in those moments when we don’t feel we have anything to offer, we offer nonetheless.
Parashat Vayikra Study Guide: Treachery by Mistake

Study Guide: Treachery by Mistake

This week's study guide focuses on two words, ma'al and me'ilah, and what it means, both literally and in terms of this week's parashah.
Parashat Vayikra Moshe, Hillel, and Frederick the Mouse

Moshe, Hillel, and Frederick the Mouse

At start of Leviticus, the Mishkan becomes the domain of Aaron and the priests, who are responsible for the system of sacrificial worship.
Parashat Pekudei Haftarah: The Builder of the Dwelling

The Builder of the Dwelling

God created the world but it was not complete until a home was made for God. These homes come in the forms of the Mishkan ...
In God's Shadow

In God’s Shadow

Parashat Pekudei describes the construction of the Mishkan in accordance with the specific instructions given by God to Moshe.
Parashat Vayakhel Haftarah Between Enthusiasm and Law

Study Guide: Between Enthusiasm and Law

This week's study guide explores the building of the Tabernacle. The exploration includes time worked and communal actions completed.
Parashat Vayakhel Study Guide The King's New Clothes

The King’s New Clothes

Jeoash, the king discussed in this week's haftarah, becomes king at a young age. Does his goodness come from himself or his teachers?
Raiders of the Lost Ark

Raiders of the Lost Ark

In the film Raiders of the Lost Ark, archeologist Indiana Jones vies to recover the Ark of the Covenant, featured in this week’s parashah.
The Masveh Aliyah: Honor Someone Who Cares

The Masveh Aliyah: Honor Someone Who Cares

On Parashat Ki Tisa, honor someone in your community who embodies empathy and care. The Aliyah also marks the anniversary of the pandemic.
Parashat Ki Tissa Haftarah: Hopping Between Two Branches

Hopping Between Two Branches

This week's Haftarah parallels the parashah's discussion on God. The Israelites face more attractive gods but return to God, in the end.
Parashat Ki Tissa Study Guide: A Cosmic National Sign

Study Guide: A Cosmic National Sign

This week's study guide explores the relationship between God and the Israelites, in the Israelites keeping the Sabbath for God.
The Aromatic Smokescreen

The Aromatic Smokescreen

Our parashah contains the Ten Commandments, as well as instructions for preparing the Ketoret, the incense offered in the Tabernacle.
Study Guide Parashat Pekudei: Clean in the Eyes of God

Study Guide: Clean in the Eyes of God

This week's study guide discusses details about the building of the mishkan and cleanliness in the context of prayer.
Parashat Tetzaveh Haftarah: Mortality and the Generations

Mortality and the Generations

Ezekiel is rather similar to Moses. Both of them serve God and Israel outside of the land of Israel. This week's Haftarah explores that.
Parashat Tetzaveh Study Guide: Whose Light Is It?

Study Guide: Whose Light Is It?

This week's study guide follows the concept of light used in the Mishkan, as compared with the light in the creation of the world.
Nothing But Radish Oil

Nothing But Radish Oil

This week’s parashah opens with God’s instructions to Moshe concerning the oil used for lighting the Menorah in the Mishkan.
Parashat Terumah Haftarah: Love and the Building of the Temple

Love and the Building of the Temple

Building Solomon’s Temple was perhaps the greatest feat ever of Jewish architecture. This week's haftarah explores this more.
Study Guide: The Royal Table

Study Guide: The Royal Table

This week's parshah discusses instructions for building accessories for the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. This includes a lavish, gold table.
The Furnished Ark

The Furnished Ark

Our parashah describes the creation of the Mishkan, especially the ark, holding the tablets, manna, Aaron's staff, and oil.
Parashat Mishpatim Haftarah: Freedom

Parashat Mishpatim Haftarah: Freedom

The greatest story of our tradition is a story about freedom. This week's Haftarah from Jeremiah explores freedom and our choices.
Study Guide: Let Go!

Study Guide: Let Go!

This week's study guide presents commentary on the shemitah—sabbatical year—and giving to the poor or giving tzedakah.
The Baby in the Brick

The Baby in the Brick

Our parashah describes a puzzling episode, following the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai when elders of Israel envision God.
Can God change

Can God Change?

Can God change? Is the essence of eternity and divinity to never change or to be constantly evolving? Is change a human quality?
Parashat Yitro Haftarah: Stumps and Seeds

Stumps and Seeds

This week's Haftarah, Isaiah, focuses on the promised destruction and regeneration. Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree" depicts that.
Study Guide: Tabula Rasa?

Study Guide: Tabula Rasa?

The study guide for Parashat Yitro discusses the Ten Commandments and the relationships between fathers and children.
Sitting Atop A Sundial

Sitting Atop A Sundial

Our parashah contains the words of the Ten Commandments, which God speaks to Moses and the people of Israel from Mount Sinai.

The Song of Deborah and All That Jazz

Rethinking the Tanakh as a Musical and the Song of Deborah as one of the major musical numbers invites to reflect differently.

Study Guide: Two Ends of a Stick

Moses is instructed to strike the stone as a water source with a rod because the Israelites are thirsty. What else did this rod do?
Make the Bitter Sweet

Make the Bitter Sweet

Just three days after escaping Egypt, the Israelites find themselves in the desert with no water, causing spiritual crises.
Parashat Bo Haftarah: Coming Home

Coming Home

A claim to the land of Israel ranged from a covenant with Abraham to laws to keep the land. This week's haftarah discusses that.
Parashat Bo Study Guide: Time and the Teller

Study Guide: What Does Telling Time Tell Us About the Teller?

When Moses names a time for the final plague, the death of the first born, he isn't as specific as we might expect, why?
Restarting Time

Restarting Time

This week's parashah opens a conversation about when the beginning of the year is and the impact that it has on time itself.
Parashat Vaera Haftarah: Bending or Breaking

Bending or Breaking

What composes the inner grit, the resilient core of a person? Whatever it is, Pharoah is notoriously lacking.
The Pizza Toast

The Pizza Toast

Vaera opens with God reiterating the covenant made with Moshe's ancestors. What's the connection between this parshah and pizza toast?
Parashat Shemot Haftarah: The Sound of Prayer

The Sound of Prayer

This week's haftarah brings meaning to words without meaning—nonsense—and how to pray without understanding the literal meaning.
Parashat Shemot Study Guide: Midwives

Study Guide: Midwives

The study guide for this week's parashah focuses on the roles of the midwives in the beginning of the Exodus story.
Bridegroom of Blood

Bridegroom of Blood

Shemot describes the early years of Moshe’s life up to the pivotal moment when he is informed of his mission awaiting him in Egypt.
Parashat Vaera Study Guide: 1-0 in Favor of Pharoah

Study Guide: 1-0 in Favor of Pharoah

In this week's parashah, Moshe is accused of “giving Pharaoh a sword to kill us,” in response to his demands of "let my people go."
Parashat Vayechi Haftarah: On Loss

On Loss

This week's haftarah juxtaposes King David preparing for his own death with both Jacob and Joseph's preparations for their own deaths.
Parashat Vayechi Study Guide: My Wife or Your Mother?

Study Guide: My Wife or Your Mother?

In this week’s parashah, Jacob asks Joseph to swear to bury him not in Egypt but rather lay him to rest with his ancestors.
True Lovingkindness

True Lovingkindness

Parashat Vayechi chronicles the deaths of Jacob and his son, Joseph, both of whom provide explicit instructions regarding their burials.
Parashat Vayigash Haftarah: Reversals


Parashat Vayigash continues a long narrative of sibling relationships. The reconciliation focused on here, reflects in this week's haftarah.
Parashat Vayigash Study Guide: A Good Long Cry

Study Guide: A Good Long Cry

Joseph, after revealing his identity to his brothers, invites the family to Egypt. They share an emotional reunion and a good long cry.
Laden Wagons

Laden Wagons

In parashat Vayigash the patriarch Jacob learns the truth about his son Joseph, in realizing Joseph's laden wagons.
Parashat Miketz Haftarah: Golden Bowls and Grand Concepts

Golden Bowls and Grand Concepts

In making sense of details we begin to construct the grander concept and we realize we are in the presence of something bigger.
Parashat Miketz Study Guide: The Perfect Gift

Study Guide: The Perfect Gift

The brothers need more food but were told not to return without their youngest brother, whom their father refuses to part with.
Glimmers of an Incandescent Light

Glimmers of an Incandescent Light

In parashat Miketz, Jacob sends his sons to Egypt, but unbeknownst to his sons, the ruler dispersing rations is their younger brother, Joseph.
Parashat Vayeshev Haftarah: Reading Critically

Reading Critically

Many of our sacred texts are deeply unsettling. Our ancestors are deeply flawed people and their stories do not present easy takeaways.
Parashat Vayeshev Study Guide: It's All in The Telling

Study Guide: It’s All in The Telling

Study guide for Parashat Vayeshev, following the story surrounding Joseph and his interaction with his master's wife.
From Despair to Repair

From Despair to Repair

In this week’s parashah, Judah's daughter-in-law Tamar tricks him into sleeping with her after she is not able to conceive with his sons.
Parashat Vayishlach Haftarah: Compassionate Fantasies

Compassionate Fantasies

In the haftarah for Vayishlach, from the Book of Obadiah, we read the story of God rebuking the nation of Edom, rather than Israel.
Parashat Vaysihlach Study Guide: A Dotted kiss

Study Guide: A Dotted Kiss

A study guide for Parashat Vayishlach, focused on the midrashim surrounding the parashah and the reunification of Jacob and Esau.
The Struggles That Shape Us

The Struggles That Shape Us

On the eve of Jacob’s meeting with his brother Esau, he finds himself wrestling with a divine figure, winning, and receiving a new name.
Parashat Vayetzei Haftarah: "Mostly Dead is Slightly Alive"

Mostly Dead is Slightly Alive

As we read the stories of Jacob, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the interplay between hope and God as the redeemer us from ...
Study Guide: Dual Loyalty

Study Guide: Dual Loyalty

In the situation that revolves around Rachel and Leah's respective marriages to Jacob, a question of loyalty to family is asked.

A Spiritual Exercise

After leaving his father's home, Jacob dreams of God and experiences prayer for the first time. Learn about living in dialogue with God.
Parashat Toldot Haftarah: Pushback


In the haftarah for Parashat Toldot, the Book of Malachi describes a dialogue of pushback between God and the people of Israel.
Study Guide: Let's Eat to That

Study Guide: Let’s Eat to That!

Discuss commentary on Jacob and Esau's interaction in Toldot. This study guide discusses the transaction of Esau's birth right.
The Blinding of Isaac A Blessing in Disguise

The Blinding of Isaac: A Blessing in Disguise

In Toldot, Isaac, now the family patriarch, bestows the blessing of the firstborn on Jacob instead of Esau, when Jacob tricks him.
Parashat Chayei Sarah Haftarah: Modifying Memories

Modifying Memories

With memories ever-changing, how do we trust what we remember and what is shared with us? How do we trust the memories of Torah characters?
Study Guide: Inheritance or Gift?

Study Guide: Inheritance or Gift?

Study guide: Why does Abraham focus so much on Isaac? What about Abraham's other children and should they receive inheritance as well?
A Crown of Glory

A Crown of Glory

Parashat Chayei Sarah describes the final years of Abraham’s life, following the death of his wife Sarah and culminating in Abraham’s own death.
Passing it on

Passing it on

In Vayera's haftarah, we read the story of Elisha and a big deal woman in Shunem reflecting three different models of hospitality.
A Laugh That Hurts in The Belly

Study Guide: A Laugh That Hurts in The Belly

Study Guide: What really happened when the angels visited Abraham and Sarah? Why did Sarah laugh when she heard what they had to say?
When Mercy Seasons Justice

When Mercy Seasons Justice

Parashat Vayera is about a tense and dramatic conversation between God and Abraham about the destruction of Sodom.
To “Steelman” Idolatry

To “Steelman” Idolatry

In Lech Lecha's haftarah, we are given a vision of what our lives might have been, if only they’d been a little different.
Study Guide: Right or Left? East Is Not an Option

Study Guide: Right or Left? East Is Not an Option

Study Guide: Unpacking the disagreement between Avram and Lot when they had to split the land they were on.

Men Count the Stars, Women are From Venus

Parashat Lech Lecha depicts an acute marital crisis between Abraham and Sarah that occurs at a particularly difficult moment in their lives.
Haftarah Understanding the Flood

Understanding the Flood

In the wake of the destruction of Jerusalem and the First Temple, God explains that God has not in fact abandoned Zion.
Study Guide Is it safer to attack god

Study Guide: Is it Safer to Attack God?

Study Guide: What kind of society created the Tower of Babel? Would we want to live in that society? What did Rashi say?
A Trail of Crumpled Papers on the Floor

A Trail of Crumpled Papers on the Floor

We learn in Parashat Noach: God comes to appreciate, the problem was not creating human beings, but having unrealistic expectations of them.
Parashat Bereshit Haftarah creation continued

Creation Continued

If creation was ongoing but no one observed it, did it actually still happen? Did creation cease when God disappeared?
Study Guide bereshit a little less is a lot more

Study Guide: A Little Less is A Lot More

Study Guide: In the context of Creation, what is the connection between blessing, deficiency, and Shabbat?
the moon is always female

The Moon is Always Female

In the beginning, according to God’s original plan, the Sun and the Moon were two who ruled alongside one another. What happened?