Tag: Memory

Acknowledging Jewish Trauma: A Tishah B'Av Chronicle

Acknowledging Jewish Trauma: A Tishah B’Av Chronicle

Ongoing memory and grief help us heal. In acknowledging Jewish trauma, and learning the Tishah B'Av chronicle, we can learn to do just that.
How Mourning Changes You

How Mourning Changes You

Pulling on a conversation between Stephen Colbert and Anderson Cooper about mourning, learn about how mourning can change you.
Responsive Reading From MLK’s Words

A Responsive Reading From MLK’s Words

A responsive reading from the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., put together by Rabbi A. Nathan Abramowitz.
Deja Jew, or, Asking the Question Yet Again: Why Be Jewish?

Deja Jew, or, Asking the Question Yet Again: Why Be Jewish?

Dig deeper into Jewish identity, memory, spirituality, and wisdom, exploring more into the question: "Why Be Jewish?"
The Book of Lamentations: Ten Responses to Tragedy & Grief

The Book of Lamentations: Ten Responses to Tragedy & Grief

Explore these ten responses that the Book of Lamentations presents to deal with tragedy and grief. View Tishah B'av through these responses.
What does it take to feel Jewish

What does it take to feel Jewish?

Collecting experiences helps us feel like we belong. By doing ‘Jewish,’ we create meaningful Jewish lives where spirituality feels less contrived.
Parashat Chayei Sarah Haftarah: Modifying Memories

Modifying Memories

With memories ever-changing, how do we trust what we remember and what is shared with us? How do we trust the memories of Torah characters?