Tag: Book of Lamentations (Eicha)

Why Does Tisha B'Av Get So Much Play At Camp?

Why Does Tisha B’Av Get So Much Play at Camp?

Tisha B'Av at camp is unlike anywhere else in the Jewish world. So why does Tisha B'Av get so much play at camp?
The Book of Lamentations: Ten Responses to Tragedy & Grief

The Book of Lamentations: Ten Responses to Tragedy & Grief

Explore these ten responses that the Book of Lamentations presents to deal with tragedy and grief. View Tishah B'av through these responses.
Parashat Ki Tavo Haftarah: Got Milk?

Got Milk?

During the seven haftarot of consolation, we return to the idea of Jerusalem reuniting with her children, once again able to care for them.
Parashat Ki Teitzei Haftarah: Broken Trust

Broken Trust

This week’s haftarah, the fifth of the seven readings of consolation between Tisha B’Av and Rosh HaShana, talks about broken trust.
Parashat Shoftim Haftarah: Like Grass

Like Grass

We define ourselves by our covenant, by the terms of our relationship with God. It goes in cycles like grass—growing, dying, growing again.
Parashat Eikev Haftarah: Birthing Israel

Birthing Israel

This week's haftarah compares the birthing of Israel in the generations recorded in the Torah with similar experiences in the haftarah.
Parashat Va'etchanan Haftarah: Alone or Lonely?

Alone or Lonely?

This Shabbat is Shabbat Nachamu, the Shabbat of Comforting, so we explore if what it means to be alone or lonely.
Parashat Devarim Haftarah: On Dialogue

On Dialogue

This week’s haftarah is the final haftarah of the Three Weeks before Tisha b’Av and presents a parallel on dialogue between Isaiah and Eicha.
Parashat Pinchas Haftarah: Building Walls

Building Walls

This week's haftarah marks the three weeks leading up to Tisha B'av and uses Jeremiah's words to do so, when Israelites are building walls.

What If I Can’t (or Don’t Want to) Fast on Tisha B’Av?

Rabbi Ilana Garber offers us her nine ways to make the 9th day of Av meaningful that do not involve fasting.
What is Tishah Be’av and how is it observed?

What is Tishah Be’av and how is it observed?

Tishah Be’av is the saddest day of the Jewish year. We fast, read the Book of Lamentations, and reflect on history.