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Announcement: We’re making friends!

You’ve got a friend.

Maybe children have the right idea. Why do most of us outgrow the comfort of asking someone to be our friend? So many songs name the value of friendship; James Taylor, Queen, Randy Newman, The Beatles, Weezer and so many more.

Pursuing and appreciating friendship is not just healthy; it’s woven into Jewish tradition.

Well it’s no surprise that the rabbis of the Mishnah also thought about the power of friendship as strong influences and supporters in our lives.

Joshua ben Perahiah used to say: appoint for thyself a teacher, and acquire for thyself a companion and judge all people with the scale weighted in his favor. (Avot 1:6)

We have been inviting friends to partner with us. This new one is a winner!

We have a new friendship that will lift everyone’s Jewish learning – every single week.

The Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center (JFC) with the Conservative Yeshiva (CY) are partnering with us to share weekly Torah content from a previous cycle of their Torah Sparks drashot (teachings).

Each week we will feature content on the weekly parashah (portion) written by scholars and teachers from the Conservative Yeshiva.

Not only will this offer everyone rich content to explore each week, but it also will create a strong base of Torah learning on which to build – from other new and existing friends – including readers like you. (That’s a nod to judging everyone favorably, also in the Mishnah, as we strive to share diverse voices and experiences on this site.)

Friendship can anchor our Torah learning all year long.

Just like a strong, lasting friendship evolves and grows with you, the yearly cycle of Torah readings offers us the chance to learn and relearn our sacred sources.

We are new people every time we dive into the texts.

We are so grateful to the FJC and CY for their friendship, commitment to teaching, and eagerness to share diverse Torah interpretations each year from their Torah Sparks drashot. (You can sign up for the newest Torah Sparks drashot with related learning opportunities here.)

“Winter, spring, summer or fall,
All you’ve got to do is call.
And I’ll be there
You’ve got a friend.”

James Taylor was spot on for our friendship with FJC and CY and the gift of their year-round Torah commentaries.

Once again, you’ve got a friend.

If you want to share your Torah learning through the lens of Conservative Judaism, we’d love to talk.

You can check it out right now: In the beginning, there was Parashat Bereshit.

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  • Exploring Judaism

    Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).

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  • Exploring Judaism

    Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning, learning, and connecting. Our goal is to create content based on three core framing: Meaning-Making (Why?), Practical Living (How?), and Explainers (What?).

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