
  • Rabbi Kerry Chaplin

    Rabbi Kerry Chaplin is a spiritual counselor, ritualist, and teacher, focusing on addiction and recovery, queerness, and parenting. She hosts gatherings for spiritual transformation and maintenance in her Los Angeles backyard.

Rabbi Kerry Chaplin is a spiritual counselor, ritualist, and teacher, focusing on addiction and recovery, queerness, and parenting. She hosts gatherings for spiritual transformation and maintenance in her Los Angeles backyard.

My Posts

Recovery and the Four Cups

Recovery and the Four Cups

For many of us, freedom is choosing four cups of grape juice: Look at the four cups on Passover through the lens of addiction recovery.
5 Myths about T’shuvah

5 Myths about T’shuvah

Five myths that we tell ourselves about t'shuvah that keep us from doing it skillfully or doing it at all.
How do I observe Selichot?

How do I observe Selichot?

It is said that Selichot opens the gates of heaven for the High Holy Days. This Selichot, do what opens your heart to the gates ...
Image of a desert with the words Passover: An Invitation to Get Free

Passover: An Invitation to Get Free

Spiritually preparing for Passover not an intellectual exercise. It’s a spiritual invitation to ask ourselves: am I willing to get free?