What is Exploring Judaism?

Exploring Judaism is the digital home for Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

Exploring Judaism is the home for Torah that embraces the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning and learning. There is always something to learn and explore.

Exploring Judaism seeks to help people find explainers on subjects they wish to learn more about, practical guides on how to observe Judaism, and reflections on how to make life more meaningful.

Our approach is rooted in Conservative/Masorti Judaism and in the ideas that Judaism grows with us, that we’re guided by process, and that there is beauty in the balance.

The Mitzvah of Environmental Sustainability

The Mitzvah of Environmental Sustainability

What does Judaism say about environmental sustainability? Yishuv Ha’olam is the mitzvah to build and maintain a sustainable world.

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Women and Headcovering

Women and Headcovering

In a written teshuvah, Rabbi Jane Kanarek explains the answer to the question, "Should women and girls wear a headcovering?"
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Jewish Laws and Rituals for Funerals

What are the Jewish laws and rituals regarding funerals? Generally, a ritual washing, burial, and a funeral, each with their own customs.
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Tallit on the Bimah: Optional or Required?

Tallit on the Bimah: Optional or Required?

This CJLS teshuva explores where and when a tallit should be worn on the bimah. This also addresses women wearing tallitot.
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Restrictions on Kashering Animals

Even if an animal is killed appropriately, it is still possible for it to be considered non-kosher if that the animal was ill or maimed.
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