Tag: Torah Study

Common Terms in Torah Study

Common Terms in Torah Study

The Exploring Judaism team has prepared this printable sheet of common terms you might encounter in your Torah study that might help you out.

Ten Torah Resources You Should Know

Here are our top ten Torah resources you should know, including Conservative/Masorti organizations and resources for kids and families!
Women and Headcovering

Women and Headcovering

In a written teshuvah, Rabbi Jane Kanarek explains the answer to the question, "Should women and girls wear a headcovering?"

Bar, Bat and B. Mitzvah – Where did it Come From and Where is it Going?

B'nei Mitzvah are one of today’s best known Jewish milestones, marking coming of age as an “adult” and responsibility for one’s own actions. 
Parashat Shmini Study Guide: Why Did They Die?

Study Guide: Why Did They Die?

This week's study guide focuses on Nadav and Avihu, Aaron's sons, bringing "foreign flames" to give an offering to God.
The Perpetual Flame

The Perpetual Flame

Parashat Tzav teaches us that in those moments when we don’t feel we have anything to offer, we offer nonetheless.
Parashat Vayakhel Haftarah Between Enthusiasm and Law

Study Guide: Between Enthusiasm and Law

This week's study guide explores the building of the Tabernacle. The exploration includes time worked and communal actions completed.
Parashat Ki Tissa Study Guide: A Cosmic National Sign

Study Guide: A Cosmic National Sign

This week's study guide explores the relationship between God and the Israelites, in the Israelites keeping the Sabbath for God.
Nothing But Radish Oil

Nothing But Radish Oil

This week’s parashah opens with God’s instructions to Moshe concerning the oil used for lighting the Menorah in the Mishkan.
Study Guide: The Royal Table

Study Guide: The Royal Table

This week's parshah discusses instructions for building accessories for the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. This includes a lavish, gold table.
The Furnished Ark

The Furnished Ark

Our parashah describes the creation of the Mishkan, especially the ark, holding the tablets, manna, Aaron's staff, and oil.
Study Guide: Let Go!

Study Guide: Let Go!

This week's study guide presents commentary on the shemitah—sabbatical year—and giving to the poor or giving tzedakah.
Life exists in relation

Life Exists in Relation

If we try to look past the tangible, if we focus on the other, in relationship, we can come to see the Divine, even if ...
Study Guide: Tabula Rasa?

Study Guide: Tabula Rasa?

The study guide for Parashat Yitro discusses the Ten Commandments and the relationships between fathers and children.
Make the Bitter Sweet

Make the Bitter Sweet

Just three days after escaping Egypt, the Israelites find themselves in the desert with no water, causing spiritual crises.
Parashat Vaera Haftarah: Bending or Breaking

Bending or Breaking

What composes the inner grit, the resilient core of a person? Whatever it is, Pharoah is notoriously lacking.
The Pizza Toast

The Pizza Toast

Vaera opens with God reiterating the covenant made with Moshe's ancestors. What's the connection between this parshah and pizza toast?
Parashat Vaera Study Guide: 1-0 in Favor of Pharoah

Study Guide: 1-0 in Favor of Pharoah

In this week's parashah, Moshe is accused of “giving Pharaoh a sword to kill us,” in response to his demands of "let my people go."
Laden Wagons

Laden Wagons

In parashat Vayigash the patriarch Jacob learns the truth about his son Joseph, in realizing Joseph's laden wagons.
Parashat Miketz Study Guide: The Perfect Gift

Study Guide: The Perfect Gift

The brothers need more food but were told not to return without their youngest brother, whom their father refuses to part with.
Parashat Vayeshev Haftarah: Reading Critically

Reading Critically

Many of our sacred texts are deeply unsettling. Our ancestors are deeply flawed people and their stories do not present easy takeaways.
Parashat Vayeshev Study Guide: It's All in The Telling

Study Guide: It’s All in The Telling

Study guide for Parashat Vayeshev, following the story surrounding Joseph and his interaction with his master's wife.
From Despair to Repair

From Despair to Repair

In this week’s parashah, Judah's daughter-in-law Tamar tricks him into sleeping with her after she is not able to conceive with his sons.

A Spiritual Exercise

After leaving his father's home, Jacob dreams of God and experiences prayer for the first time. Learn about living in dialogue with God.
What do I do on a long Shabbat Afternoon?

What do I do on a long Shabbat Afternoon?

Long Shabbat afternoons can be intimidating, here's how Rabbi Sydni Rubinstein spends her time and why it's her favorite time all week.