Tag: Time

When Can a Jewish Wedding Happen?

When Can a Jewish Wedding Happen?

There are times when a Jewish wedding can happen and times when weddings cannot, either according to laws or customs.
What Are Zmanim and Why Are They Important?

What Are Zmanim and Why Are They Important?

Learning what Zmanim are and why they are important can bring a new meaning to ritual practices and the routine of our days.
Sitting Atop A Sundial

Sitting Atop A Sundial

Our parashah contains the words of the Ten Commandments, which God speaks to Moses and the people of Israel from Mount Sinai.
Parashat Bo Study Guide: Time and the Teller

Study Guide: What Does Telling Time Tell Us About the Teller?

When Moses names a time for the final plague, the death of the first born, he isn't as specific as we might expect, why?
Restarting Time

Restarting Time

This week's parashah opens a conversation about when the beginning of the year is and the impact that it has on time itself.