Tag: Spies

Shlach Lecha: Learning Inclusion from the Scouts

As God commanded Moses to include Caleb and Joshua, we can imagine the same command applies to us. We can seek to include people.

Study Guide: Ejection Born from Rejection

The study guide for parashat Devarim looks at the story of the twelve spies, in the books of Devarim and Numbers, and connects a midrash.
Parashat Shlach Haftarah: Whores and Heroes

Whores and Heroes

This week’s parasha starts out gloriously—we scout out the land in order to enter it. Then we investigate the concept of whores and heroes.
Parashat Shlach Study Guide: Stronger Than Whom?

Stronger Than Whom?

The study guide for Shlach focuses on the phrase used by spies, that the people of the land of Israel were too strong for the ...
Spies and Tzitzit: Camela and Death

Spies and Tzitzit: Camels and Death

Our parashah is bookended by the story of the spies and tzitzit. This leads to a discussion on the obligation of mitzvot.