Tag: Relationship with God

Listener of Prayer

Listener of Prayer

"Listener of Prayer" is an important phrase in many of our blessings and prayers. Learn more about why that is.
Marriage As Mitzvah

Marriage As Mitzvah

Jews see marriage as mitzvah based on biblical and rabbinic texts. Marriage is seen as important for spirituality and closeness with God.
Mysteriousness of the Makom

Mysteriousness of the Makom

The mysteriousness of the makom comes into view when looking at all of the divine places, especially mountains, in our literature.
Parashat Ki Tisa: On Relationships with God and Other Human Beings

On Relationships with God and Other Human Beings

Ilana Sandberg (JTS RS '24) explores parashat Ki Tisa and speaks on relationships with God and other human beings.
Parashat Yitro: Binding Love and Loss

Binding Love and Loss

Amalya Volz (JTS RS '24) explores Parashat Yitro through the binding of love and loss and the people of Israel's relationship with God.
Ani Ma'amin: Conservative Judaism as a Dynamic Force

Ani Ma’amin: Conservative Judaism as a Dynamic Force

Rabbi Artson shares his "Ani Ma'amin," the credo that he recites every day as he things about Conservative Judaism as a dynamic force.
How to Forgive

How to Forgive (Kol Nidrei)

When the time of Yom Kippur is upon us, we talk a lot about forgiveness. Saying "sorry" is easy—how do we forgive?

Secret Sins

Moshe charges the people to renew the terms of their covenant with God before entering the land, necessary for sins committed in secret.
Parashat Shoftim Haftarah: Like Grass

Like Grass

We define ourselves by our covenant, by the terms of our relationship with God. It goes in cycles like grass—growing, dying, growing again.
A Conduit of Blessing

A Conduit of Blessing

In this parashah, Moshe prepares the people for their entry into Israel, extolling the conduit of blessing that they are about to conquer.
Moshe the Mother

Moshe the Mother

In this week’s parashah, we see a depiction of Moshe the Mother as he pleas with God to enter the land of Israel with the ...

Study Guide: Ejection Born from Rejection

The study guide for parashat Devarim looks at the story of the twelve spies, in the books of Devarim and Numbers, and connects a midrash.
Parashat Matot-Masei Haftarah: The Boiling Point

The Boiling Point

In these weeks leading up to Tisha B’av, we read a passage of Jeremiah, overflowing with water imagery and see the boiling point.
Spare the Rod

Spare the Rod

This week's parashah, Chukat, focuses on the story of Moshe hitting the rock, choosing not to spare the rod, to get water.
Parashat Korach Study Guide Do As I Mean, Not As I Say

Study Guide: Do As I Mean, Not As I Say

Korach led a rebellion against Moshe (and Aaron). Ahead of the incense trial, Korach gathers the congregation against Moshe and Aaron.
Disputations Without Denigrations

Disputation Without Denigration

Korach and his followers, a rebellion undermining the leadership of Moshe and Aaron, teach about disputation without denigration.
Parashat Bechukotai Haftarah: Humanity: The Incurable Illness

Humanity: The Incurable Illness

The haftarah for Bechukotai is from the book of Jeremiah and discusses two words, Eikev and Enosh, and what these words mean.
Parashat Kedoshim Haftarah: Perspective


Our haftarah starts bold and bloody, and connects the destruction in Amos to the destruction in the story of Noah and the flood.
Far From the Tree

Far From the Tree

Tazria takes its name from conception and childbirth. Ilana Kurshan connects this to bearing fruit, both literally and metaphorically.
Parashat Shmini Haftarah: On Shame

On Shame

Connected Parashat Shemini's Haftarah, in Ezekiel, Bex Stern Rosenblatt explores the intersection of shame, guilt, and embarrassment.
Parashat Tzav Haftarah: Unwanted Offerings

Unwanted Offerings

This week's haftarah explores human sacrifice. While the Tanakh seems to be mixed about it, God may command human sacrifice in this haftarah.
In God's Shadow

In God’s Shadow

Parashat Pekudei describes the construction of the Mishkan in accordance with the specific instructions given by God to Moshe.
Parashat Ki Tissa Haftarah: Hopping Between Two Branches

Hopping Between Two Branches

This week's Haftarah parallels the parashah's discussion on God. The Israelites face more attractive gods but return to God, in the end.
Parashat Ki Tissa Study Guide: A Cosmic National Sign

Study Guide: A Cosmic National Sign

This week's study guide explores the relationship between God and the Israelites, in the Israelites keeping the Sabbath for God.
Parashat Tetzaveh Haftarah: Mortality and the Generations

Mortality and the Generations

Ezekiel is rather similar to Moses. Both of them serve God and Israel outside of the land of Israel. This week's Haftarah explores that.
Study Guide: The Royal Table

Study Guide: The Royal Table

This week's parshah discusses instructions for building accessories for the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. This includes a lavish, gold table.
The Furnished Ark

The Furnished Ark

Our parashah describes the creation of the Mishkan, especially the ark, holding the tablets, manna, Aaron's staff, and oil.
Parashat Mishpatim Haftarah: Freedom

Parashat Mishpatim Haftarah: Freedom

The greatest story of our tradition is a story about freedom. This week's Haftarah from Jeremiah explores freedom and our choices.
The Baby in the Brick

The Baby in the Brick

Our parashah describes a puzzling episode, following the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai when elders of Israel envision God.
Encountering the Shema: 7 Questions

Encountering the Shema: 7 Questions

Rabbi Mordecai Miller reflects on the Shema with 7 questions: Throughout my life, I’ve tried to understand what this sentence really means.

A Spiritual Exercise

After leaving his father's home, Jacob dreams of God and experiences prayer for the first time. Learn about living in dialogue with God.
Parashat Toldot Haftarah: Pushback


In the haftarah for Parashat Toldot, the Book of Malachi describes a dialogue of pushback between God and the people of Israel.