Tag: Psalms

Jerusalem: Our Singularly Plural Capital

Jerusalem: Our Singularly Plural Capital

What is the significance of Jerusalem, our singularly plural capital, as our capital city? What makes it so important?
Hope is a Rope

Hope is a Rope (Rosh Hashanah)

We learn from Rabbi Friedson to keep our hope in mind for this next year. Our hope is a rope, just as strong and tenacious.
Psalms for this Time of Crisis in Israel

Psalms for this Time of Crisis in Israel

Seven psalms as a liturgical response to our individual and collective emotions, including grief, fear, rage, desperation, and others.
Shemini Atzeret, Demystified

Shemini Atzeret, Demystified

What is Shemini Atzeret and how is it connected to Sukkot? "Shemini Atzeret, Demystified" explains all of that and more.
What Am I Afraid Of?

What Am I Afraid Of?

As we continue the work of Elul, examining the words of Psalm 27 can teach us about going beyond the inner voices and what we ...
Swaddled By God

Swaddled By God

On the festival of Sukkot, we are commanded to dwell in temporary huts so as to remember the Israelites swaddled by God.