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Why Does Tisha B'Av Get So Much Play At Camp?

Why Does Tisha B’Av Get So Much Play at Camp?

Tisha B'Av at camp is unlike anywhere else in the Jewish world. So why does Tisha B'Av get so much play at camp?
Why Conservative Judaism Changed Sacrifices in the Prayer Book

Why Conservative Judaism Changed Sacrifices in the Prayer Book

Explore why Conservative Judaism changed the language of the sacrifices in the prayer book. It shows more about the Movement.
Blessings Over Food and Drink

Blessings Over Food and Drink

There are many blessings over food and drink. Learn how to determine what blessing to use before and after eating a meal.
On Changes in Judaism Frankel

On Changes in Judaism (1845)

Rabbi Zecharias Frankel in 1845 explores the nature of Judaism as it faces progress and highlights the nature of change in Judaism.
Are Non-Kosher Animals Permitted for Organ Transplants?

Are Non-Kosher Animals Permitted for Organ Transplants?

Are non-kosher animals permitted for organ transplants? Rabbi Shai Cherry explains the recent teshuvah from the CJLS.
The Jewish Status of a Child Born Using a Gestational Carrier

The Jewish Status of a Child Born Using a Gestational Carrier

In a recent teshuvah, the CJLS answers the question, "what is the Jewish status of a child born using a gestational carrier?"
Tu B’Av: Finding Joy and Love During The Mournful Summer

Tu B’Av: Finding Love and Joy During The Mournful Summer

What is Tu B'Av and why is it a time to find love and joy during the mournful summer? It comes between Tisha B'Av and ...
Listener of Prayer

Listener of Prayer

"Listener of Prayer" is an important phrase in many of our blessings and prayers. Learn more about why that is.

Democracy in Post-Biblical Judaism (1948)

Rabbi Greenberg writes, many ideas matured in rabbinic thought, particularly "group of ethical values usually associated with the concept of Democracy."
The Biblical Basis of Democracy (1948)

The Biblical Basis of Democracy (1948)

Rabbi Gordis writes, "the main current of Biblical thought and Jewish tradition is fundamentally democratic..."
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