
  • Rabbi-Cantor Michael McCloskey

    Michael works as Rav-Chazzan at Temple Emeth in Chestnut Hill, MA. President of the New England Region of the Cantors Assembly, he also serves on the CA Executive Committee, the Conservative Masorti Committee for Jewish Laws and Standards, and the Rabbinical Assembly's Racial Justice Subcommittee. He teaches courses through Hebrew College Open Circle Learning and at the Academy for Jewish Religion in NY. In his spare time, he loves to boulder and write poetry. His paper about the Golem and A.I. will be published by the Association for Jewish Studies this summer.

Reparations: The Difficulty and Bravery and Asking

Reparations: The Difficulty and Bravery of Asking

Look at reparations and the difficulty and bravery of asking, through the lens of slavery in Egypt, slavery in America, and the Holocaust.