
  • Rabbi Amy Levin

    Rabbi Amy Levin is the past president of the Rabbinical Assembly of Israel, and is the second woman ordained by the Masorti Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem. Rabbi Levin trained in the "Consulting for Vital Congregations" program of The Alban Institute, has taught at the Schechter Institute and The Conservative Yeshiva. She serves on the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards and the Vaad Hakavod, the Ethics Committee, of the international Rabbinical Assembly. She lives on Hanaton in Israel from where she provides consulting services to congregations and clergy through her platform: Tzibur Strategies: for Thriving Sacred Communities and Their Leaders and is periodically available for scholar-in-residence weekends in the United States.

A Yom HaZikaron like no other… God-willing

Yom HaZikaron is different this year. Our troops are still falling and getting wounded. The sense of loss and mourning is not theoretical.