
  • Rabbi Aaron Alexander

    Rabbi Aaron Alexander is Co-Senior Rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in D.C. He previously served for ten years as Associate Dean and Lecturer in Rabbinic and Jewish Law at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, where he also received his ordination. He has long sat on the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) for the Conservative movement, and is currently Chair of the Kashrut Subcommittee. Aaron serves on the Strategy Team for the Washington Interfaith Network, DC’s premier multi-faith community organizing network. He has been a JJGI Hadar Fellow, and a Rabbi Samuel T. Lachs Fellow of LEAP, a joint program of UPenn and Clal. Rabbi Alexander and his wife, Rabbi Penina Alexander, have three young sons, Ariel, Eliav and Amos.

Medieval Musings on the Emotional Content of a Fast

Medieval Musings on the Emotional Content of a Fast

Can we do work and labor on Tisha B'av? What role do our emotions play in that? The Medieval posek Terumat HaDeshen has an answer.
Pesah and Continued Kashrut Slavery: A Conceptual Reflection

Pesah and Continued Kashrut Slavery: A Conceptual Reflection

A conceptual reflection of Pesah and Kashrut can bring more meaning to how we follow the halakhah of food on Pesah.
Passover Kashrut Questions and Answers

Passover Kashrut Questions and Answers

Answering key and specific questions about kashrut, kashering utensils, and food in the context of Passover.