Tag: Rachel

Birkat Yeladim: Blessing Children

Birkat Yeladim: Blessing Children

Read more on how to preform Birkat Yeladim, the blessing over our children, and where the blessing and practice come from.
Dinah: An Unexpected Trans Story

Dinah: An Unexpected Trans Story

Based on rabbinic midrash from tractate Berakhot, Dinah can be read either as a trans woman or, as this piece argues, a closeted trans man.
Parashat Vayechi Study Guide: My Wife or Your Mother?

Study Guide: My Wife or Your Mother?

In this week’s parashah, Jacob asks Joseph to swear to bury him not in Egypt but rather lay him to rest with his ancestors.
Study Guide: Dual Loyalty

Study Guide: Dual Loyalty

In the situation that revolves around Rachel and Leah's respective marriages to Jacob, a question of loyalty to family is asked.