Tag: Prophecy

Charlton Heston Speaking

Charlton Heston Speaking

We can learn about leadership from Moses, as well as from Charlton Heston speaking, as he plays Moses in the Ten Commandments movie.
Moshe's Memoir

Moshe’s Memoir

Deuteronomy presents an interesting paradox to the literary reader of the Bible in the form of Moshe's memoir.
Parashat Pinchas Haftarah: Building Walls

Building Walls

This week's haftarah marks the three weeks leading up to Tisha B'av and uses Jeremiah's words to do so, when Israelites are building walls.
Disputations Without Denigrations

Disputation Without Denigration

Korach and his followers, a rebellion undermining the leadership of Moshe and Aaron, teach about disputation without denigration.
Lamps Give Light

Lamps Give Lights

Behaalotcha describes the appointment of seventy elders to help judge the people and leadership in terms of the phrase "lamps give light."