Tag: Leah

Birkat Yeladim: Blessing Children

Birkat Yeladim: Blessing Children

Read more on how to preform Birkat Yeladim, the blessing over our children, and where the blessing and practice come from.
Dinah: An Unexpected Trans Story

Dinah: An Unexpected Trans Story

Based on rabbinic midrash from tractate Berakhot, Dinah can be read either as a trans woman or, as this piece argues, a closeted trans man.
Parashat Behaalotcha Haftarah: On Regifting

On Regifting

We look at Leah's children's names and how its haftarah connection. Through this, we work on regifting God's gift to the rest of the world. ...
Parashat Vayechi Study Guide: My Wife or Your Mother?

Study Guide: My Wife or Your Mother?

In this week’s parashah, Jacob asks Joseph to swear to bury him not in Egypt but rather lay him to rest with his ancestors.
Study Guide: Dual Loyalty

Study Guide: Dual Loyalty

In the situation that revolves around Rachel and Leah's respective marriages to Jacob, a question of loyalty to family is asked.