Tag: kingship

No Going Back

No Going Back

This parashah deals with the administration of justice in the land of Israel and the connection between no going back to Egypt.
Parashat Korach Haftarah: Saul and Eve

Saul and Eve

This week's haftarah discusses Saul's assumption of power as the first king of Israel. Bex Stern Rosenblatt compares Saul with Eve.
Parashat Tazria Haftarah: Finding a Prince Charming

Finding a Prince Charming

This week's haftarah, from the book of Ezekiel, discusses the changing power structures and leadership in the changing times of Israel.
Parashat Vayakhel Study Guide The King's New Clothes

The King’s New Clothes

Jeoash, the king discussed in this week's haftarah, becomes king at a young age. Does his goodness come from himself or his teachers?
Can God change

Can God Change?

Can God change? Is the essence of eternity and divinity to never change or to be constantly evolving? Is change a human quality?