Tag: Joshua

Parashat V'zot Habrachah Study Guide: Who Is Writing Moses' Death?

Study Guide: Who Is Writing Moses’ Death?

In the study guide for V'zot Habracha, Vered Hollander-Goldfarb explores who is writing Moses' death and what we can learn.
Parashat Haazinu Study Guide: The Pangs of Transition

Study Guide: The Pangs of Transition

As Moshe embarks on his final speech to the Israelites, the nation readies itself for the transition of leadership from Moshe to Joshua.
Parashat Pinchas Study Guide: The Land Should Be Divided

Study Guide: The Land Should Be Divided

The study guide for Parashat Pinchas investigates the division of the land of Israel among the twelve tribes of the nation.
Moshe's Forced Retirement

Moshe’s Forced Retirement

At the end of the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness, Moshe’s job is terminated prematurely. This explores Moshe's forced retirement.
Parashat Shlach Haftarah: Whores and Heroes

Whores and Heroes

This week’s parasha starts out gloriously—we scout out the land in order to enter it. Then we investigate the concept of whores and heroes.
Lamps Give Light

Lamps Give Lights

Behaalotcha describes the appointment of seventy elders to help judge the people and leadership in terms of the phrase "lamps give light."
Parashat Tazria Haftarah: Finding a Prince Charming

Finding a Prince Charming

This week's haftarah, from the book of Ezekiel, discusses the changing power structures and leadership in the changing times of Israel.