Tag: Chesed

Spheres of Sustainability: Chesed and Goodness

Spheres of Sustainability: Chesed and Goodness

For this week of the Omer's sphere of sustainability, look at chesed, goodness. This week, stand in awe before God's world.
Omer Mixtape 2024: Week 1 Chesed

Omer Mixtape 2024: Week 1 Chesed

Week one of the Omer focuses on the sefira of Chesed, lovingkindness. Rabbi Jenna Stein Turow explains her playlist focused on this theme.

The Torah of the Summer Barbecue

Summer barbecues are great for relaxation and rejuvenation, and an opportunity to extend and receive hospitality like Abraham and Sarah.
True Lovingkindness

True Lovingkindness

Parashat Vayechi chronicles the deaths of Jacob and his son, Joseph, both of whom provide explicit instructions regarding their burials.
blurry image of two hands making a heart shape with the words: Chesed/Loving-Kindness Intention: Omer Week 1

Chesed/Loving-Kindness Intention: Omer Week 1

Rabbi Meir Goldstein offers a loving-kindness (chesed) intention for the first week of the counting of the omer.