Deep Fried Hanukkah Bites

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Full Length Interviews

Rabbi at Adath Shalom Synagogue in Paris, France, one of the largest Masorti congregations in Europe, and currently a visiting lecturer on Halakhah at Zecharias Frankel College, one of the five seminaries of the Conservative/Masorti Movement.

Rabbi of Kol HaNeshamah in Englewood, NJ and educator and program coordinator for the Center for Conversion to Judaism at Town and Village Synagogue in NYC.

Associate Rabbi at B’nai Israel in Rockville, Maryland.

Rabbi Avi Novis-deutsch

Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in Israel, with a two decades long career as a Conservative rabbi in Israel.

Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz

Rabbi of Agudas Achim in Iowa City, a dual affiliate Conservative/Reform congregation, who hails from The Netherlands.

Rabbi Howard Tilman

Rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.

Rabbi Judy Nowominski

President of the Rabbinical Assembly of Latin America and rabbi of Congregation Benei Tikvah in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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