
  • Vered Hollander-Goldfarb

    Vered Hollander-Goldfarb teaches Tanach and Medieval Commentators at the Conservative Yeshiva and is a regular contributor to Torah Sparks, FJC’s weekly message on the weekly Torah portion. She received her M.A. in Judaic Studies and Tanach from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University and studied at Bar-Ilan University and the Jewish Theological Seminary. Before making aliyah, Vered taught at Ramaz School and Stern College in New York.

Study Guide: Right or Left? East Is Not an Option

Study Guide: Right or Left? East Is Not an Option

Study Guide: Unpacking the disagreement between Avram and Lot when they had to split the land they were on.
Study Guide Is it safer to attack god

Study Guide: Is it Safer to Attack God?

Study Guide: What kind of society created the Tower of Babel? Would we want to live in that society? What did Rashi say?
Study Guide bereshit a little less is a lot more

Study Guide: A Little Less is A Lot More

Study Guide: In the context of Creation, what is the connection between blessing, deficiency, and Shabbat?